We are excited to introduce a new feature in the DashClicks Conversations app called the Live Chat Welcome Message Trigger. This feature is designed to enhance user engagement and increase conversions on your website by initiating conversations with visitors through a customizable welcome message.
Key Features:
  1. Automatic Engagement:
    When a visitor lands on your website, the live chat bubble will automatically open, making a sound to draw attention and engage with the visitor.
  2. Customizable Welcome Message:
    Personalize the welcome message to suit your brand's voice. Customize the image and text to make the greeting more appealing and relevant to your visitors.
  3. Control and Flexibility:
    You have full control over the feature. Easily turn the welcome message on or off based on your preferences. Additionally, you can toggle the sound on or off to suit your website’s environment.
How to Enable:
  1. Navigate to Conversations App:
    Go to the Conversations app within your DashClicks dashboard.
  2. Access Settings:
    Click on the settings where you can customize your live chat bubble.
  3. Configure Welcome Message:
    Look for the new Welcome Message section. Here, you can customize the image, text, and sound settings.
  4. Deploy to Website:
    Once customized, grab the live chat installation code provided in the settings and add it to your website.
  • Increased Conversions:
    By engaging visitors as soon as they land on your website, you are more likely to capture their interest and convert them into leads.
  • Enhanced User Experience:
    A personalized and timely welcome message can significantly improve the user experience, making visitors feel valued and attended to.
  • Higher Engagement:
    The proactive chat initiation encourages visitors to interact with your business, helping you gather more leads from your existing traffic.
The Live Chat Welcome Message Trigger is a powerful addition to your website’s engagement toolkit. By leveraging this feature, you can enhance user interaction, improve conversion rates, and ultimately, drive more business success. Install and configure your live chat welcome message today to start seeing immediate benefits.
Need Help?
If you need any assistance with setting up or customizing the Live Chat Welcome Message Trigger, please reach out to our support team or visit our help center for detailed guides and tutorials.